S.P.A.V.I. Srl is a company that deals with industrial and anti-corrosion paints.
It was founded in 1991 and in a few years has been able to grow rapidly, carving out a significant space among the companies in the sector. Certainly due to the quality and efficiency acquired.
The activity of the company includes processes ranging from pre-treatment to painting to final testing of dielectric tests.
The S.P.A.V.I. Srl is a company animated by a strong entrepreneurial spirit of its managers who hope to continue with the same pace of growth that has characterized the work of recent years due to the favorable consent and trust granted by its customers.
We can receive carpentry with a unit weight of up to 10,000 kg and a maximum overall dimensions of 24x3.5x3.5 Mt.
The plant includes a covered area of 4,000 square meters and a large yard for storing goods.


nr. 02 lift trucks whose maximum capacity is 50 quintals

nr. 07 bridge cranes whose maximum capacity is 10 tons

nr. 02 manual sandblasting booths whose dimensions are 12 x 6 x 4.5 meters and 7 x 4 x 3 meters

nr. 02 manual sandblasting booths whose dim. are 12 x 6 x 4.5 meters and 7 x 4 x 3 meters

nr. 01 chain painting cabin